Click on the image to access this episode! Whoever first said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” may have had in mind the story shared on this week’s episode.
Robin Schroeder’s merciless diagnosis of an extremely rare and aggressive cancer was enough to crush nearly anyone’s spirit. But she chose to focus on the positive aspects of her situation and now attributes much of her recovery to the power of that positive thinking.
Through relentless, often painful, effort, Ms. Schroeder learned to harness the power of her own positive thinking to heal herself, even when others remained skeptical. That power to heal lay in her determination to “beat this”, but also in almost superhuman hard work, in her ability to keep her eye on the finish line.
“I ran the half marathon on the anniversary of my cancer surgery and, as I came up over the hill to the finish line, I started to cry, because I knew that I was back. If I can complete a half marathon, I think I’ve got this.”
Science and medicine have long been enlightened about the powerful connection between mind and body. This week we explore the real might of positive thinking and what it can do for our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
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